Current weather conditions in Bourbonnais, IL: at °F. Humidity: %. Visibility: 0 miles. Winds are from the north at mph. These conditions make it feel like °F. Barometer 0%. Sunrise (Wednesday) at 07:00 pm EST. Sunset at 07:00 pm EST  Expect:   Today's forecast: High: °F. Low: °F. Humidity %. Winds from the north at mph.  Tomorrow's forecast: High: °F. Low: °F.. Humidity %. Winds from the north at mph. Sunrise (Wednesday) at 07:00 pm EST. Sunset at 07:00 pm EST.   Wednesday's forecast: High: °F. Low: °F. Humidity %. Winds from the north at mph. Sunrise (Wednesday) at 07:00 pm EST. Sunset at 07:00 pm EST.  Wednesday's forecast: High: °F. Low: °F. Humidity %. Winds from the north at mph. Sunrise (Wednesday) at 07:00 pm EST. Sunset at 07:00 pm EST.  Weather data courtesy of OpenWeather API   Like this MillsReaderWeatherbar™?—Click here for more MillsReaderWeather™ information.