Education samples: activity sheets

(All graphics ©Richard G. Mills 1996 All rights reserved.)

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Texas State History . . .

Use with the program:  Texas -- The Lone Star State

Skill Boosters for Video 1, 7th-grade Level

== 1 ==

Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To read a land-region map and make a map key
    •To understand the effects of land regions on Texas life


    The Four Land Regions of Texas

    1. Complete the map key as directed.

    Texas land regions map
    2. Briefly explain the name given to each of these regions.

    3a. In which land region do you live?

     b. Write two paragraphs about how this land region affects people and industry around you and how it affects you and your family.

     c. Choose a different land region and write about how your life might be different if you lived there.


    1. Texas regions map with answers
    2. Answers may vary, but the meaning of each region name should be explained.
    3a-c. Answers will vary depending upon the land region in which the student lives.

    == 2 ==

    Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To understand vocabulary


    Texas Terms

     1. What is the Panhandle?

     2. What is a plain?

     3. What is climate?

     4. What is the Coastal Plain?

     5. What is the Central Lowland?

     6. What are the Great Plains?

     7. What is the Basin and Range Region?

     8. What are natural resources?

     9. What are minerals?

    10. What is a derrick?

    11. What is natural gas?

    12. What is an ore?

    13. What are uses for helium?

    14. What are uses for sulfur?

    15. What is a use in industry for salt?


    (Answers may vary somewhat.)
     1. The top portion of Texas that protrudes up between New Mexico and Oklahoma
     2. A large, treeless area of flat or gently rolling land
     3. The usual type of weather a place has over the years
     4. The eastern and southern portion of Texas
     5. The central northern portion of Texas
     6. The central portion of Texas, including much of the northern portion of the Pan Handle and stretching down to the Mexican border
     7. The far western portion of Texas
     8. Things and materials found in nature that are useful to people
     9. Substances found in the earth (neither plant nor animal), especially those with special uses for people
    10. The tower-like frame that supports drilling apparatus
    11. A gas (as opposed to the liquid gasoline) found deep in the earth and used for fuel and in manufacturing
    12. Rock found in the earth (in rivers, etc.) with enough metal in it to make it worth mining
    13. To make toy balloons float, in rockets, in weather balloons, in welding
    14. To make sulfuric acid, used to make other products, including fertilizers and medicines
    15. To help make glass, soap, and paper

    == 3 ==

    Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To be aware of Texas's size
    •To complete a map of Texas's boundaries and understand its relationship to its neighbors


    Geographical Texas

    1a. Use your history book or another source to answer this question:  When did Texas become the second largest of the United States?


     b. Texas is still the largest of the "contiguous" states.  What does "contiguous" mean?


    2a. The Rio Grande separates Texas from the country __________________.

    Outline of Texas
     b. On the given map, draw as much of this country's border as the space allows, and label it.

    3a. The Pecos River enters Texas from the State of


     b. Draw as much of this state's border as space allows, and label it.

    4a. Part of the Red River runs between Texas and the States

    of ______________________ and ____________________.

     b. Draw as much of these states' borders as space allows, and label them.

    5a. Part of the Sabine River runs between Texas and the State

    of _____________________.

     b. Draw as much of this state's border as space allows, and label it.

    6. Write two or three paragraphs about how Texas's neighbors have affected Texan history and how they still affect Texas today.


    1a. 1959
     b. [Answers may vary:] Actually touching at the boundaries
    2a. Mexico  b. [The student should have drawn the Mexican border and labeled Mexico on the map.]
    3a. New Mexico
     b. [The student should have drawn the New Mexican border and labeled New Mexico on the map.]
    4a. Oklahoma [and] Arkansas
     b. [The student should have drawn the Oklahoma and Arkansas borders and labeled Oklahoma and Arkansas on the map.]
    5a. Louisiana
     b. [The student should have drawn the Mexican border and labeled Mexico on the map.]
    6. [Answers will vary but should include the effects of both the past and present.]

    == 4 ==

    Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To read a precipitation map and complete a rainfall graph
    •To understand how climate affects local industry and life


    Meteorological Texas

    The map below shows areas of Texas that have similar yearly rainfalls.  It also points to where five Texas cities are located.

    Texas rainfall map
    1. Find the bar on the map's graph that rises to between 30 and 50.  Write "Dallas" in the blank under that bar.

    2-5. Do the same for each of the other four cities shown.

    6a. Locate and label your town or city (or the one nearest you) on the map.

     b. How much yearly rainfall does the map say your city gets?

     c. Add your city to the bar graph.

    7. Write two or three paragraphs about how the climate affects local industry and the rest of life in your area.


    1-5. [From right to left:] El Paso; Laredo and Lubbock [either blank]; Dallas; Beaumont
    6. [Answers should agree with the student's city location.]
    7. [Answers will vary and depend upon the student's area of Texas.]

    == 5 ==

    Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To describe the special flora and fauna of Texas
    •To consider the importance of conservation
    •To sketch plants and animals


    Texas Flora and Fauna

    The following plants and animals found in Texas are not found in most of the other United States:

    ________________________    ________________________

    ________________________    ________________________

    Make scientific sketches (accurate drawings) of these flora and fauna (plants and animals).  Then write a paragraph or two describing in detail each plant and animal and its usual habitat.  Conclude with a paragraph or two about why you think it is (or isn't) important to help preserve these unusual specimens of nature.


    [Answers may vary [choices here]. The student should have made "scientific" sketches or drawings of each plant and animal, with brief descriptions of each one, including usual habitat.  The written section should conclude with the student's own opinion of the importance of conservation.

    == 6 ==

    Texas: Geography and Climate

  • Skill Objectives:
    •To read a resources map and make a map key
    •To understand the importance of Texas's natural resources


    Texas Minerals

    1. The map below uses letters to show the locations of some of Texas's valuable minerals.  Complete the map key from what you have learned about minerals in Texas.  (Hint:  NaCl is the chemical formula for salt.  Note:  Notice the difference between the two letters G and g.)

    [ART: mineral map (was similar to ones above)]

    2. Find where you live on the map.  What mineral is found in or nearest your area?  Write a short essay about how this mineral and its mining affects you and your family.

    3. Write a short essay about how your area may be affected when this mineral is "mined out" (used up) in your area and what can be done now to prevent possible resulting problems.


    G: Gas
    O: Oil
    S: Sulfur
    N: NaCl (Salt)
    H: Helium
    L: Limestone
    g: Gravel and Iron Ore
    C: Coal
    2. [Answers should reflect local area.] 3. [Answers will vary.]

  •  Next

    Texas: Early History to Independence

    (and extra graphics: Alamo, State flags and seal, oil derrick, oil pump, irrigation line, etc.)

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