Epilepsy Foundation South Central Wisconsin
Epilepsy Foundation South Central Wisconsin
7617 Mineral Point Road  Madison, WI  53717-1623
608-833-8888 800-657-4929 Fax 608-833-6677

Worth looking into . . .

Bucky Books & Entertainment Books. It's not too late to buy one or more of these great books. Both are chock full of great deals and coupons:
The Bucky book has $40 worth of free movie rentals and loads of half off deals for restaurants, bowling, pizza's.
The Entertainment book features discount coupons for every thing from A&W root beer to zebra's (at the Circus World Museum). Get one now and enjoy it for the rest of 1999!
Available from the Epilepsy Foundation of South Central Wisconsin.

Safety and Seizures: Tips for Living with Seizure Disorders. 32 page pamphlet. Free. Reviews safety issues that may arise when seizures occur, especially if they occur frequently. Offers the reader some ways to improve safety while living an active life.
Available from Epilepsy Foundation South Central Wisconsin.

Saving Jesse, by Nicky Armstrong with Jeanne Heal. 216-page softcover book; $16.95. This is the story of one family's search for answers to a devastating type of epilepsy. It shows us how a child's best advocates are the people who love and care for him and that quality of life is not just freedom from illness. This diary of a child's experience with Rasmussen's syndrome is a compelling and moving human-interest story about a family's strength.

Views from Our Shoes, by Don Meyer. 113-page softcover book. $14.95. This book clearly speaks to siblings – many of whom have never met another child with a brother or sister with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, or epilepsy. It lets them know they are not alone, that other children have had similar experiences, shared their concerns, felt their happiness, and successfully met their challenges. Parents, as well, will gain much understanding by reading the essays. A glossary of disabilities provides easy-to-understand definitions of many of the conditions mentioned.

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