Epilepsy Foundation South Central Wisconsin
Epilepsy Foundation South Central Wisconsin
7617 Mineral Point Road  Madison, WI  53717-1623
608-833-8888 800-657-4929 Fax 608-833-6677
How We Can Help: Learn about epilepsy.

Epilepsy can develop in anyone at anytime in their lives. A severe head injury, a chemical imbalance, or an infectious disease can lead to epilepsy. Often no cause can be found.

People from all walks of life have epilepsy.

Charles Dickens, Socrates, Vincent van Gogh, and Martin Luther all had some type of seizures.

In 80% of cases, people with epilepsy can have their seizures controlled partially or completely with medications. Some people are candidates for surgery to help control their seizures.

Living with epilepsy need not be difficult, however, public reaction to epilepsy can create difficulties. Largely, this is due to misunderstandings and misconceptions about epilepsy that still abound. For example, the unemployment rate is higher among people with seizure disorders.

Epilepsy is not a disease, rather, it is a disorder characterized by recurring seizures. There are different types of seizures. Most people are aware of convulsive seizures, but they are not aware of other types of behavior common to seizures.

People may think that seizures are extremely rare. In reality, one person in five will have a seizure during their lifetime, and about two percent of the population will be diagnosed with epilepsy.

Seizures are mainly disruptive when they occur. Between seizures, people with epilepsy can lead normal, productive lives.

Yes, we can help!

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